B2B professional communication solutions
Ownership of this site:
Infoedita Comunicación Profesional
Ribera de Axpe 11, Edificio C-2, Planta 1ª, Of. 113
48950 Erandio (Vizcaya)
Tfno: 911 255 700
In accordance with current and applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by "INFOEDITA Comunicación profesional S.L.U."
Any user may access to the registered data, modify, update, cancel or express their wish not to use their data contacting through info@infoedita.es or by letter to INFOEDITA Comunicación Profesional S.L.U, Ribera de Axpe, N.11 – Edificio C-2, Of. 113, 48950 Erandio (Vizcaya)
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Infoedita Comunicación Profesional uses profesional information in order to facilitate communication between companies and professionals, by doing this we periodically send bulletins and newsletters which are aimed at providing information for the development of your business. By filling the form you allow us to send you business information and marketing messages by post, email, fax etc. with commercial content from Infoedita comunicación profesional products and services as well as other companies which may have interesting information for your business or your activity. In no way your data will be provided to third parties without your consent . You may exercise your rights to modify, cancel or express your wish not to include your data by writing to Infoedita Comunicación profesional at the address mentioned above.
Infoedita uses the information obtained from its users in order to improve its experience in our Newsletters and sites and offer our products and services.
The information obtained is also used for building up statistics and reports of added value on the profile of users and traffic patterns on sites and shared with our advertisers, allowing them to provide a better and more specific service. None of the information shared with advertisers will relate or include your identity or any other personal information of individual users.
Without affecting your rights Infoedita Comunicación Profesional allows users the possibility to amend or update their information through email on info@infoedita.es
Any questions about the privacy policy of Infoedita Comunicación Profesional should be addressed to info@infoedita.es
This legal communication sets rules and use of the service provided by this site that Infoedita Comunicacion Profesional (Infoedita) allows its use to Business professionals.
The purpose of Infoedita is to offer users information, news, and business contacts as well as facilitating the exchange of information. The usage of www.infoedita.es means that you accept the clauses of these terms.
All users are informed that these general Conditions may be modified by informing its users previously, the design the contents and configuration may be modified at any time without warning as well as eliminating services or including new ones.
The user agrees to make correct use of Infoedita.es and all services included in accordance with legislation, good practice and general conditions and respect regarding all other users. It is strictly forbidden to make different use of this site of what it is intended for. The access and use of this site does not always require a subscription however some functionalities are subject to preregistration as a user.
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Infoedita reserves the right to exclude and remove all comments and contents that violate the dignity of any human right whether it is discrimination, racism, pornographic, or that may be offensive of unpleasant in any manner and not appropriate for a professional Business to Business site. In any case Infoedita will not be responsible for personal opinions expressed by the users through blogs, online chats or any other online shared content. The user that violates the previously mentioned principles will be responsible for all damages caused to any party.
Infoedita accepts no responsibility for any damage or harm of any kind that could be derived from the lack of information or lack of accuracy, nor for any errors or information omitted included in Infoedita´s services except for those explicitly described in the general conditions.
Infoedita does not guarantee the availability nor continuity or lack of functionalities of this site and subsequently does not accept any responsibility for any damage of any kind that could be derived from the lack of functionality of the site or the applications included in the site.
These general conditions are regulated by Spanish legislation that all parties accept to undertake for the solving of any potential dispute and litigation and agree to renounce to the judges and user´s local regulation.
By registering as a user at Infoedita.es you agree to the subscription to the Newsletter where professional news and product news are published and also to commercial and marketing communications that Infoedita publishes and related to different professional sectors.
The user is aware and accepts the reception of these bulletins, the user may cancel this subscription at any time by mail addressed to info@infoedita.es.
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